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Gerücht – Nintendo NX startet mit mindestens vier Titeln inkl. Mario zum Launch

Zwar wissen wir noch immer nicht wirklich etwas zu der Nintendo NX und warten geduldig auf die offizielle Ankündigung, dafür gibt es nun Gerüchte zu den Launch-Titeln. Auch ein Super Mario Spiel soll im März 2017 dabei sein. Zudem ist es wohl wahrscheinlich, dass The Legend of Zelda mit der Konsole zusammen veröffentlicht wird, da dieses ebenso für März angekündigt ist. Die Informationen selbst wurden noch einmal von MyNintendoNews zusammengefasst und gestalten sich wie folgt:


  • “Interact with your game on the go.” phrase seen on a poster.
  • Strong co-branding effort with a Mario launch title on many posters.
  • Console is currently set to launch with least 4 titles on deck.
  • Stores should be receiving demo units around February.
  • Base price point seems to be sitting at $299.99


  • The NX is currently set to have a bundle option.
  • The contents of this bundle is currently unknown.
  • Bundle price is currently sitting at $399.99


  • The packaging for the NX will be slightly larger than the Wii U’s packaging.
  • The packaging is relatively clean and simple and is similar to the Wii U in terms of package design.
  • The color scheme for the packaging is white and blue (compared to the Wii U’s blue and black).
  • The packaging still says “NX” however there is still no indication if this is a placeholder or the final name.
  • The areas of the packaging that would usually depict the hardware were blurred and redacted by Nintendo in attempt to keep it hidden.

Features and Specs

  • Games will be on cartridges
  • 4k streaming has been mentioned. – What this likely means is playback of content such as Netflix, etc. Not gameplay.
  • 1080p and 60fps are being used by the marketing teams in relation to gameplay on to the console portion. I’ve heard unconfirmed rumblings of 900p for the infamous hybrid part of the device.

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