The Wolf Among Us Season 2 auf 2019 verschobenen
Telltale Games wird The Wolf Among Us Season 2 ein weiteres mal verschieben. Demnach wird die von vielen Fans mit Spannung erwartete Fortsetzung nicht mehr, wie ursprünglich angedacht, 2018 erscheinen, sondern erst im kommenden Jahr. Ein genaues Datum für den Release des Spiels nannte der amerikanische Entwickler, der unter anderem durch Titel wie die The Walking Dead Adventures bekannt geworden ist, nicht.
Im folgenden lest ihr die gesamte Stellungnahme (Quelle):
„Hey Mundies,
We’re here with some news: The Wolf Among Us 2, based on Bill Willingham’s award-winning Fables comic book series from DC’s Vertigo imprint, will now launch in 2019, rather than the latter half of 2018. This delay comes as the result of a few fundamental changes here at Telltale since we first announced the game last summer.
Most importantly, we’re committed to exploring new ways to tell our stories. Taking this extra time will allow us not only to focus on quality but also to experiment and iterate in order to craft something truly special.
Ultimately our goal is to deliver an experience deserving of the passion you’ve consistently shown for The Wolf Among Us, and these extra months will give us the time we need to do our best work. We’re extremely enthusiastic about how the game is progressing so far, and we can’t wait to dig even deeper.
Still, we know we’ve just made a long wait even longer, which is why we sincerely appreciate your patience. We’ll have more Wolf news for you later this year, and for now, you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook to ensure you’re always up to date. Thanks…and see you around.“
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