Gerücht: Specs von Nintendos Nachfolgekonsole zur WiiU!
Sicherlich arbeitet schon jeder Hersteller in irgendeiner Form an der nächsten Konsole, oder macht sich zumindest Gedanken. Nintendo scheint da allerdings am weitesten zu sein, wie folgende Gerüchtemeldung zeigt. Auf einer Game-Seite im Netz werden direkt die Specs der NextNextGen Konsole aufgelistet!!! Natürlich ist das alles wieder von anonymer Quelle, bla bla bla. Also mit Vorsicht genießen!
Rumors of Nintendo working on their next-gen system have recently surfaced, and along with them comes a report of the supposed specifications for both the next Nintendo handheld and home console. I’ll go out on record right now and state that it’s not a rumor that Nintendo is working on their next products – all companies start planning their next hardware 1-2 years after launching a new system. So there’s no doubt that Nintendo’s next systems are definitely in the works as we speak.
But one thing we don’t know for sure, is the details, plans, and specifications of these next-generation systems. Before I go any further though, let me make a disclaimer: Take all of this with a huge grain of salt. I’m not going to lie and make it out to seem like I have inside industry sources, because I don’t. The information you’re about to see comes from an anonymous origin, and an acquaintance of mine brought this to my attention – I’m just being honest with you. Yep, it’s one of those situations.
That being said though, the rumored specifications don’t sound too far-fetched at all. This is what the insider had to say:
“Before I go into the detail on the Softwear and OS features I overheard, I will like to do a upgraded recap on the specs of both machines. The codename is now “FUSION” and many the R&D want to keep that name for the main console release. The Handheld unit is called the “FUSION DS” while the home unit is called “FUSION TERMINAL.”
Und hier die Specs:
CPU: ARMv8-A Cortex-A53 GPU: Custom Adreno 420-based AMD GPU
>2 130 mm DVGA (960 x 640) Capacitive Touchscreen
>Slide Out Design with Custom Swivel Tilt Hinge
>Upper Screen made of Gorilla Glass, Comes with Magnetic Cover
>Low End Vibration for Gameplay and App Alerts
>2 Motorized Circle Pads for Haptic Feedback
>Thumbprint Security Scanner with Pulse Sensing Feedback
>2 1mp Stereoptic Cameras
>Multi-Array Microphone
>A, B, X, Y, D-Pad, L, R, 1, 2 Buttons
>3 Axis Tuning Fork Gyroscope, 3 Axis Accelerometer, Magnetometer
>NFC Reader
>3G Chip with GPS Location
>Bluetooth v4.0 BLE Command Node used to Interface with Bluetooth Devices such as Cell Phones, Tablets
>16 Gigabytes of Internal Flash Storage (Possible Future Unit With 32 Gigbytes)
>Nintendo 3DS Cart Slot
>SDHC “Holographic Enhanced” Card Slot up to 128 Gigabyte Limit
>Mini USB I/O
>3300 mAh Li-Ion battery
GPGPU: Custom Radeon HD RX 200 GPU CODENAME LADY (2816 shaders @ 960 MHz, 4.60 TFLOP/s, Fillrates: 60.6 Gpixel/s, 170 Gtexel/s)
CPU: IBM 64-Bit Custom POWER 8-Based IBM 8-Core Processor CODENAME JUMPMAN (2.2 GHz, Shared 6 MB L4 cache)
Co-CPU: IBM PowerPC 750-based 1.24 GHz Tri-Core Co-Processor CODENAME HAMMER
MEMORY: 4 Gigabytes of Unified DDR4 SDRAM CODENAME KONG, 2 GB DDR3 RAM @ 1600 MHz (12.8 GB/s) On Die CODENAMED BARREL
>802.11 b/g/n Wireless
>Bluetooth v4.0 BLE
>2 USB 3.0
>1 Coaxial Cable Input
>1 CableCARD Slot
>4 Custom Stream-Interface Nodes up to 4 Wii U GamePads or 4 DSc
>Versions with Disk Drive play Wii U Optical Disk (4 Layers Maximum), FUSION Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) and Nintendo 3DS Card Slot.
>1 HDMI 2.0 1080p/4K Port
>Dolby TrueHD 5.1 or 7.1 Surround Sound
>Inductive Charging Surface for up to 4 FUSION DS or IC-Wii Remote Plus Controllers
>Two versions: Disk Slot Version with 60 Gigs of Internal Flash Storage and Diskless Version with 300 Gigs of Internal Flash Storage.
Was haltet ihr davon?!
Ich fände es für Nintendo sehr ratsam möglichst schnell eine neue Konsole rauszubringen, die mit den aktuellen Konsolen von Microsoft und Sony mithalten kann. Die WiiU ist einfach hardwaremäßig zu schwach, um 3rd Party titel zu stemmen. Und das wird in den nächsten Jahren nur noch deutlicher.
Ich male jetzt dann auch direkt mal was aus: Ankündigung auf der E3, Zelda und Mario als Starttitel. Das alles zu Weihnachten. Geil, oder????
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