Spider-Man – Update 1.08 bringt New Game Plus und mehr
Sony und Insomniac Games haben das neueste Update zu Spider-Man veröffentlicht. Dieses trägt die Versionsnummer 1.08 und bringt neben diversen Bugfixes auch ein bisschen neuen Inhalt in das Action-Adventure, welches erst kürzlich für die PlayStation 4 erschienen ist. So kann man sich nun unter anderem am New Game Plus und dem neuen Schwierigkeitsgrad „Ultimate“ probieren. Weitere Änderungen lest ihr in der folgenden Auflistung (Quelle):
Version 1.08
- Fixes and Updates
- Addressed additional issues.
Version 1.07
- New Features
- Added support for “The City That Never Sleeps – The Heist” story pack.
- Added New Game Plus.
- Added Ultimate difficulty.
- Added the ability to rotate layers in Photo Mode.
- Added new frames and stickers to Photo Mode.
- Added a shortcut option to trigger Photo Mode via the left button.
- Fixes and Updates
- Tuned Friendly combat difficulty based on player feedback.
- Added a max health cap of 250 and normalized players.
- Added a potential solution for a crash related to graphical artifacting.
- Addressed an issue where players could respawn inside a building in the Financial District.
- Addressed an issue where animation during cinematics could break due to hard drive streaming.
- Addressed an issue where pedestrians would disappear for a frame in the distance.
- Addressed an issue where combat music would persist in the open world after completing a Sable Base.
- Addressed various additional issues.
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