Prison Architect – Update 5 bringt bessere Performance
Seit gestern ist das mittlerweile fünfte Update für die äußerst erfolgreiche Gefängnisaufbausimulation Prison Architect verfügbar. Das besagte Update wurde der Performance des Indie-Titels gewidmet und soll diese um bis zu 50% verbessern. Weiters wurde das Thermodynamik-Feature weiter ausgebaut und der 3D-Modus weiter verfeinert. Wie jeden Monat gibt es auch dieses Mal wieder ein umfangreiches, Entwickler-Video zu Update 5. Hier ein Auszug der Patch-Notes aus dem Steamforum (hier):
Performance optimisations
We focussed on performance this month, and achieved a speed boost of at least 50%.
This work is ongoing.– Now defaulting to the VS2015 build, with the old VS2008 build still
available for Safe mode (Prison Architect Safe Mode.exe). This gives
a good speed improvement over the VS2008 version.– Asynchronous job search system. Instead of synchronously looking for a job,
workers, guards, prisoners, doctors now place a request for a new job in a
queue. This queue is processed during render phase of the game loop so
shouldn’t take up any time during the main game loop.– Speed up rendering of the Feed Prisoners Objective. This was particularly
slow when their were a lot of hungry prisoners.– Rebuild the indoor/outdoor shadow mask only when a cell changes its material
or indoor/outdoor status.Thermodynamics (continued)
– New pipe type in the utilities view: Hot water pipes
These operate on a seperate layer to the existing pipes, and can be overlaid without conflict.– New utility: Hot water boiler
Requires a large pipe connection of cold water, and a direct electrical connection
You can run hot water pipes from this boiler in any direction.
Nb. Water will lose heat the further it gets from the boiler.– All radiators now require a hot water connection to function
– Showers can take cold water or hot water.
When supplied with hot water, showers will also reduce a prisoner’s Warmth need
When supplied only with cold water will apply a Frigid effect, which acts as a kind of short-term surpression
while also spiking their Warmth and comfort needs.3d mode has been discovered
This update we have improved 3d mode with new shapes, new shaders operating on all objects, and better wall geometry.
3d mode remains very experimental.Known bug: The mouse position is wrong when using graphics/Supersampling.
Known bug: Long pauses caused by geometry changing, eg wall construction/demolitionBUG FIXES
– Thermodynamic map to use 16 bit number type to represent the temperature
instead of 8 bit. This fixes a bug with fire showing negative temperatures.– 0010610: [Graphics] entire screen is black and white boxes