Fallout 4 – Patch 1.05
Das bereits vor einiger Zeit erschiene Fallout 4 hat nun wieder einen neuen Patch bekommen. Der Patch 1.05 ist ab sofort für die PC-Version erhältlich, für die Konsolenversionen wird der Patch in der kommenden Woche erscheinen.
Neben der Integration des angekündigten Survival-Modus wird Patch 1.05 auch auf den kommenden ‚Far Harbor‘-DLC vorbereiten. Die Review zum Spiel findet ihr hier.
Hier dir kompletten Patchnotes:
New Features
- New Survival difficulty
- Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. See the in-game Help menu for more details.
- Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter
- Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects
- General stability and performance improvements
- Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron
- Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu
- Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench
- Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement
- Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors
- Fixed issue with „Appropriation“ where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest
- In „The Nuclear Option,“ entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute
- Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk
- While in Workshop mode, if the Jump button is remapped, the Y or Triangle button can still be used to jump
- Fixed issue with „Defend the Castle“ where speaking to Ronnie Shaw would not properly complete the quest
- During „The Nuclear Option,“ fast traveling away from the Institute immediately after inserting the relay targeting sequence holotape will no longer block progression
- Fixed issue where Workshop placed light bulbs would occasionally not light properly
- Fixed occasional flashing issue with entering and exiting Power Armor
- Fixed issue where terminals would not work properly after downloading and initializing an Add-On from the Add-Ons menu
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