Dreamfall Chapters – Neuer Patch ab heute verfügbar
Pünktlich zum Black Friday und noch vor dem Erscheinen der zweiten Episode Rebels, hat Red Thread Games einen neuen Patch für Dreamfall Chapters veröffentlicht. Dank des verbesserten Speichersystems, soll das Spiel vor allem auf 32-Bit Systemen besser laufen. Daneben wurden noch einige Glitches und Bugs behoben. Die ganzen Patchnotes sind wie immer auf der offiziellen Steam-Seite einsehbar. Mit 1,4GB fällt der Patch sehr groß, Spieler mit einer langsamen Leitung sollten genügend Zeit einplanen.
- Improved memory management: memory usage is now 15-20% less in Europolis and should help players on 32-bit Windows and/or with 3GB of RAM. Memory optimisation can also help reduce frame-rate stuttering.
- Fixed graphical glitches on AMD and Intel GPUs causing broken corneas: no more crazy laser eyes!
- Added checkboxes to disable camera effects.
- Steam sync improvements. The game no longer keeps save games in RAM, reducing memory usage.
- Fixed frame-rate issue in Zoë’s apartment.
- Collision fixes in various locations. No more escaping through the scenery! (At least, we hope so. Please report any remaining loopholes.)
- Changed eye-icon to F-icon (or equivalent key binding) when drawing the player’s attention to an object or character.
- Fixed a bug where ‚Consequence‘ text was out of bounds and did not display correctly in some languages.
- Fixed a bug where the ’submit changes‘ and ‚revert changes‘ buttons would be incorrectly displayed when showing the UI the first time.
- Fixed a bug where labels/text for items in drop-down lists would disappear (and made the lists look better).
- The player should no longer be able to open the inventory when there are no inventory items. This addresses issues players were having while opening the inventory in House of All Worlds, resulting in either seeing Zöe’s items from Europolis or creating a bug where the cursor would be stuck on screen, making it harder to move around.
- No more interactables on moved or removed assets (e.g. invisible cars on Kaprova).
- On start-up, depth-of-field is disabled on Macs with integrated Intel GPU. This can be manually re-enabled but will affect frame-rate.
- Replaced missing lightmaps in Pandemonium.
- Wrong gender on one of the NPCs near Pandemonium
- Fixed window and door camera collisions in Dr Roman’s office to avoid camera clipping through surfaces.
- Rebaked occlusion map to avoid vanishing scenery on the rooftop in Friar’s Keep, Sister Sahya’s office, Dr Roman’s office and in Europolis.
- Added missing French subtitles for Sister Sayahs office.
- Added version number in title settings menu: you can finally see which version of the game you’re running!
- Fix for buggy save-game thumbnails.
- Footsteps have been fixed in Friar’s Keep.
- Shi*bot regains missing flapping fabric animations for his stupid mouth.
- Reduced reverb in dreaming girl’s bedroom in Storytime, and in the Hand that Feeds.
- Removed non-functional talk action on vendor in Europolis.
- De-synced synchronised NPC animations in Friar’s Keep (Murron’s guards) and in Europolis (EYE guards harassing Nela).
- Added buzzer interaction if Zoe goes to Pandemonium directly after Nela.
- Added missing lip-sync and missing subtitle for Mr London.
- Collision fix on stairs to university lab in Europolis.
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