Die Sims 4: Zeit für Freunde – Neuer Patch veröffentlicht

Nachdem vor einiger Zeit die neue Erweiterung Die Sims 4: Zeit für Freunde erschienen ist, hat der Publisher Electronic Arts dazu nun einen neuen Patch veröffentlicht. Dieser ist ab sofort für den PC sowie Mac zum Download zur Verfügung und behebt besonders eine Bugs aus dem Spiel.


Im Folgenden haben wir die originalen Patchnotes für euch zusammengefasst:


  • We have addressed a few PC 64 bit specific issues that were quickly identified by the community.
    • Videos will no longer be blank when played back on some video players.
    • Sims will no longer flicker in dim light.
  • Telling your Sim to use the toilet will no longer cancel other actions already in their action queue.
  • It has been noted that our Sims have taken to WooHoo a bit more frequently than has been the norm. Perhaps it is the winter months, perhaps it is the coming of Spring… perhaps it…
    • Yea… it’s too much. Autonomous woohoo is allowed, but we have reduced the frequency at which Sims choose to, increased the restrictions for “why they are allowed to”, and generally have requested that Sims seek hoo in less wooful ways.
  • Description hashtags (#hashtag) in the Gallery are once again clickable.
    • And as a result, trending hashtags are back in the Gallery.
  • We have also fixed an issue with mp3 playback in custom music that was causing some mp3 files to not be recognized.
  • Club outfits will now work better with Custom Content.

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