Homefront: The Revolution – Patch 1.04

Kürzlich haben wir Homefront: The Revolution näher unter die Lupe genommen und leider die ein oder andere Schwachstelle beim testen entdeckt. Natürlich will man den kleinen Fehlerteufeln an den Kragen und bringt mit dem aktuellen Patch 1.04 jetzt einige Verbesserungen für die PlayStation 4-Version des Shooters mit. Für Xbox One stet der Patch noch nicht zur Verfügung, sollte aber demnächst nachgerecht werden. 

Die englischsprachigen Patchnotes für Homefront: The Revolution haben wir hier aufgelistet:

  • We have optimised the number of checkpoint save locations throughout the single player campaign to reduce the number of checkpoint saves encountered.
  • We have removed the need to perform a checkpoint save every time a new job is accepted by the player.
  • We have implemented additional messaging to make it clearer when the game is performing a checkpoint save.
  • Fixed a high frequency game logic crash related to autonomous drone turrets in the single player campaign.
  • Fixed a high frequency rendering crash bug relating to the water shader and shadows from clouds.
  • Fixed a low frequency issue that some players experienced when upgrading from the Day 0 patch to patch v1.03 related to missing map elements that would prevent further progress. Anyone affected by this issue should now be able to continue playing the game, however there may be some slight inconsistencies with the Hearts and Minds stats.

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