Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Joker aus Persona 5 gesellt sich am 17. April dazu
Mit dem 17. April 2019 hat Nintendo endlich den Starttermin für Joker aus Persona 5 bekannt für Super Smash Bros. Ultimate gegeben. An besagten Tag erscheint nämlich das Challenger Pack No. 1, welches als Einzelkauf 4,99 Euro kostet, aber auch im Season Pass enthalten ist. Alle Inhalte seht ihr im folgenden:
- Character: Joker
- Stage: Mementos
- Music Tracks
- Persona 5
- “Last Surprise”
- “Beneath the Mask” (New Arrangement)
- “Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There”
- “Rivers in the Desert”
- “Our Beginning”
- Persona 4
- “Reach Out to the Truth”
- “I’ll Face Myself” (New Arrangement)
- “Time to Make History”
- Persona 3
- “Mass Destruction”
- “Battle Hymn of the Soul”
- Classic Mode: Joker Route
- Spirit Board: Special Version
- Persona 5
Neben dem neuen Charakter, umfasst die Erweiterung auch eine neue Stage und viele neue Tracks. Auch ein kostenloses Update erscheint am 17. April. Dieses enthält den bereits zuvor geleakten Stage Builder und einiges mehr.
- Stage Builder – Make your own stages and try them out immediately. In handheld mode, you can freely draw using the touchscreen. Create moving platforms, spinning platforms, whatever strikes you. There are even new stage elements to choose from. And there are front and back layers. By changing layers, you can add decorative elements to your stages. When you finish a stage, you can battle there by selecting it from the “Custom” tab on the stage select screen.
- Video Editor – Import videos saved to your Nintendo Switch system to a timeline and splice them together. Editing is very simple, just pick the parts you want to keep, add some background music, and subtitles, and choose how to transition from scene to scene. Once your video is complete, simply export it. You could keep it all to yourself, but creations are meant to be shared, aren’t they?
- Shared Content – You can view gameplay videos and stages created and uploaded by users around the world. Beyond viewing players’ videos and replays, you can also upload and download Mii Fighters and stages. If you find something you like, give it a “Yeah!” Or you can even follow the person who posted it.
- Smash World – Smash World is a service found in the Nintendo Switch Online app for smart devices. The app already supports voice chat, and now you’ll be able to easily view recommended videos and stages in Smash World without starting up the game. You can also search for videos by fighter. Recommended stages can be viewed in one place. If you find some you like, simply tap the “Queue to Downloads” button. The next time you start up Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, you’ll be able to download them to your system. You can also check in-game notifications here. Or create a new spirit team by using spirits in your collection.
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