![Nintendo Switch](https://gamecontrast.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Nintendo-Switch-e1516299068797.jpg)
Myamoto sagt, PC-Spiele sind schnell für Switch umgesetzt
Im Gespräch mit Investoren sagte einer der Hauptmanager von Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto, dass es möglich sei, PC-Spiele von Third Partys innerhalb eines Jahres für Nintendos neue Konsole Switch umzusetzen. Er erwähnt auch, dass die internen Entwicklerstudios von Nintendo die Programmierung von Spielen für die Switch als einfach beschreiben. Nintendo wäre, so Miyamoto, nun auch in der Lage, State-of-the-Art-Technologien wie die Unreal Engine zu nutzen und habe somit technisch zu den europäischen und amerikanischen Studios aufgeschlossen.
Hier das entsprechende Zitat:
„Regarding our software development environment, we have taken the software development teams for home console systems and for handheld systems, which used to be two different departments, and integrated them into one, and this has been very beneficial as they are now developing software as a team in the same environment. In addition, third-party developers who are making software for PC can now easily adapt that software to work on our platform. In the current development environment, I’d say that it would take less than a year for them to port a PC game to Nintendo Switch. That ease of software development has also been felt by Nintendo’s internal developers. Also, even though game software developers in the U.S. and E.U. are often said to have superior skills to their Japanese counterparts when it comes to software development techniques, Nintendo’s software developers have mastered state-of-the-art technologies such as Unreal engine, and their skills can now be compared with those of Western developers. Our developers are more excited than ever to create software.“
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