Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Update 1.2 ist da
Nintendo hat vor wenigen Stunden ein neues Update zu Mario Kart 8 Deluxe veröffentlicht. Dieses hievt den Fun-Racer auf die Version 1.2 und nimmt erneut einige Änderungen vor, wobei es sich vor allem um die Beseitigung von kleineren Fehlern und Bugs handelt. Was sich mit dem neuesten Patch alles getan hat, könnt ihr den unten aufgelisteten Patch Notes vernehmen.
- Players can use Pikmin-themed amiibo to unlock a Pikmin Suit for the Mii driver.
- Race rules and course name are now displayed on loading screens for online and wireless play, as well as Mario Kart TV.
- Players who are behind in online matches will receive items geared toward catching up more frequently.
- In online matches, no more than two Piranha Plants will be granted as items at the same time.
- Controls are no longer unresponsive when the timer runs out when choosing a Mii racing suit for online matches.
- When a player uses an item right after the Super Horn in online matches, that item will now remain available for other players.
- Item wheel no longer spins continuously in online matches.
- Online matches now end as intended 30 seconds after the first place racer finishes.
- The Boomerang now returns to the first slot, if possible, after a player catches it.
- Items shown in a player’s item slots now display correctly when holding an item behind them.
- No longer possible to use an item after it has been used to block an attack.
- Communication errors no longer occur frequently while spectating or after spectating online matches.
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