Halo: The Master Chief Collection – Neues Content Update veröffentlicht
343 Industries hat nun endlich das lange angekündigte Update für Halo: The Master Chief Collection veröffentlicht. Neben der üblichen Baustelle, dem Multiplayer, liefert das Update auch neues Material. Darunter zwei neue Playlists. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass dieses Update den Multiplayer-Modus von Halo 2 Anniversary nun endlich gut spielbar macht. Bisher hatten besonders Spieler mit langsamer Internetleitung teils starke Probleme.
Das bietet das Update:
- Improved matchmaking search success rates.
- Made an update to reduce instances of “Awaiting Privileges” matchmaking errors.
- Made an update to ensure player counts more reliably match the expected numbers for each playlist.
- Fixed an issue where player would sometimes appear to be searching in an incorrect “FIND GAME” screen.
- Added countdown sound effect to the voting timer.
General Multiplayer:
- Made an update to improve Halo 2: Anniversary network performance, specifically in regards to bandwidth spikes.
- Made several improvements to party joining through the in-game Roster.
- Made an update to ensure that the mute icon is visible while in Matchmaking.
- Fixed an issue in Halo 4 where players could equip the same weapon as their primary and secondary weapons.
General Campaigns:
- Made several improvements to stat tracking for Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4.
- Made changes to Halo 3 and Halo 4 scoring to ensure that players are not penalized for destroying empty vehicles.
General Menu:
- Lowered the music volume level in multiplayer menus.
- Fixed an issue where friend emblems in roster would show up as default when exiting a game session.
- Made updates to UI and menus to improve multiplayer status messaging, such as when a player joins your lobby.
Control Layouts:
- Made an update to the Halo 2: Anniversary “Legacy” Stick Layout.
- Made stability improvements across multiple titles for campaign and multiplayer.
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