Boss Key Productions (LawBreakers, Radical Heights) geschlossen

Boss Key Productions wird nach vier Jahren seine Pforten schließen. Dies gab Studiochef Cliff Bleszinski nun in einer Mitteilung bekannt. Allzu überraschend dürfte das Ende des Studios für viele aber nicht kommen, schließlich konnten weder der ambitionierte Multiplayer-Shooter LawBreakers noch Radical Heights ihr Publikum finden. Gerade die Battle Royale Antwort von Boss Key Productions sorgte für viele hochgezogene Augenbrauen, da das Spiel in einem sehr frühen Zustand veröffentlicht wurde. Die Server von Radical Heights sollen laut Bleszinski noch eine Weile online bleiben.

Das gesamte Statement von Cliff Bleszinski lest ihr im folgenden (Quelle):

„As of today, Boss Key Productions is effectively no more.

Four years ago I set out to make a world class video game studio and I hired some of the best talent in the video game industry. They worked tirelessly to produce quality products and, while we had our ups and downs, I’d like to think we had fun doing it. LawBreakers was a great game that unfortunately failed to gain traction, and, in a last ditch attempt we scrambled to do our take on the huge battle royale genre with Radical Heights, which was well received, however, it was too little too late.

As for myself, I’m going to take some time off and reflect. I need to focus on myself and family as well as my Aussie, Teddy, who is slowly fading from us. Video games will forever be a part of who I am and I hope to make something new again someday, however, I need to withdraw and take this time.

To those of you who have supported myself and the studio these last four years, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and everyone who came to work for me.

Please note that the servers for Radical Heights will remain up for the near future.

Thanks again, Cliff“


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